7 Invisalign Truths to Know Before You Start Treatment

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Many people opt for traditional wired braces to straighten their teeth. However, traditional braces may look noticeable and can cause pain and discomfort.

Thanks to advancements in orthodontics, people now have a better alternative to traditional braces, known as Invisalign. Invisalign are clear aligners that can straighten your teeth. However, they won’t look as noticeable, just like metal braces. So, before you start to look for an ideal Invisalign dentist consultation in Edmonton, it is vital to know the attributes of Invisalign. In this guide, we will share a few facts you should know about Invisalign treatment.

What should you know about Invisalign before you start treatment?

1. You must  wear your Invisalign for the recommended time period

Invisalign may look relatively sleek, soft and smooth than metal braces, but you might experience some discomfort. The level of discomfort varies with the individual. However, if you really want to get the desired results, you have to wear the aligners for a minimum of 20-22 hours a day, even if they are removable.

2. You may experience slight alterations in speech patterns

While people wear Invisalign as they are nearly invisible, they are more noticeable when you talk. You might experience slight changes in your pronunciation, especially in the beginning. However, it will go away as you get used to the aligners with time. If you want a quick solution, you can discuss it with your affordable Invisalign Provider in Edmonton.

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3. Invisalign is not for everyone

Invisalign can treat most orthodontic problems, including crooked teeth, crossbites, gaps, etc. However, the treatment may require you to wear the aligners for a very long time. How long you have to wear your aligners will depend on the severity and complexity of the oral issue. People with complex problems, such as too big of a bite, may get quicker results with metal braces than Invisalign. 

4. You must brush your teeth often

Dental hygiene is generally important. However, maintaining good oral practices becomes more crucial, especially when wearing aligners. Failing to brush and floss after every meal can cause food particles to get trapped between your aligners and teeth which can lead to the formation of plaque and decayed teeth, bad breath, etc.

5. You will have to reduce your coffee intake

Drinking anything that can stain your teeth, including coffee, red wine, tea, etc., can also stain your aligners. So, you have to reduce or avoid those drinks from your diet. For instance, if you are a coffee lover who usually drinks 3-4 cups of coffee every day between your office hours, you have to reduce your coffee intake. Otherwise, you will end up staining your aligners and replacing the aligners tends to be a costly affair.

6. You may lose weight

Since Invisalign requires you to brush your teeth after every meal, you can’t munch on your favourite snacks anytime. As a result, you may lose weight. However, mindless snacking is not good for your health. 

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7. Do not clean your aligners with toothpaste

Having yellow Invisalign trays doesn’t look nice. While this can result from not brushing your teeth post-meal, washing your Invisalign trays with toothpaste can also be the reason behind it. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of cleaning their Invisalign with toothpaste. But, what they don’t understand is that toothpaste has abrasive ingredients that can damage their aligners.

The Bottom Line

Invisalign treatment is more popular than ever before. However, having proper knowledge about Invisalign is worth it. We hope that this guide has helped you know a lot about Invisalign treatment. If you have more questions, you can discuss them with your orthodontist. 


alex jack
alex jack
Alex is a celebrity news writer with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He has written for a variety of publications, including Businesstimes.org, and he has interviewed some of the biggest names in Hollywood. He is passionate about her work and he is always looking for the next big story. He is also a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry. In his spare time, Alex enjoys spending time with his family and friends, traveling, and reading. She is also an avid fan of writing stories too. Alex is a talented writer and a valuable asset to any team. He is always willing to go the extra mile and he is always looking for new ways to tell stories. He is a valuable asset to any publication and he is sure to continue to make a name for himself in the industry.